cool stuff today
first, Firefox 0.9 is now out. more info here: also, Yahoo! has upgraded its free e-mail service to have 100 megs of storage, and its paid accounts to 2 Gigs of...
View ArticleUS Government warns against Internet Explorer
i just read that the US government has recommended that people just fucking stop using IE. more info here: i’ve been using Firefox/Firebird/Phoenix as my...
View ArticleThe “Infinite Cat” Project
i have no clue what it’s about. main site: the person who did it says it’s “cats regarding cats regarding cats”
View Articleneat article on Firefox
you can read here a neat article on the recent surge in downloads of browser like Firefox. the article mentions stuff about all the exploits with IE, and how people are switching to alternative browsers.
View ArticleFirefox gaining ground…
this article on C|Net news tells of Internet Explorer’s dwindling market share because of browsers like Firefox. click here to read it
View Articlegoogle is at it again
they now have a new map service more fun than yahoo maps / mapquest
View ArticleGreat articles on the video game industry
this one is called 20 things gamers want from the seventh generation of game consoles: this one is called Life After the Video Game Crash:...
View Articlemy YouTube, and pages.
i’ve been using for a while now. its a great service that serves as an online bookmark system, and a way to share your bookmarks with others. my page is here:...
View ArticleVerizon doesn’t know the difference between Dollars and Cents!
Recently I came across a post on Slashdot where someone was charged .002 dollars for service, after being quoted over and over at a .002 cents rate. He got a bill where he was charged around $71 for...
View Articlesome flash animations
I just put up a Flash section with a few animations that I’ve had sitting on my web server for a while.
View ArticleKeith Urban vs. Keith Urban
i just saw this on this is some of the article: “NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Keith Urban, the country singer, has filed a lawsuit against Keith Urban, the painter...
View Articlerandomly random randomness
don’t know what to put on your web site? post links to other sites!! One thing PC users can do that Mac users can’t… Modular Chair Telsa Coil Car Protection “Leave it to Bush” “Do you want me to take...
View Articleholy cow traffic
During the past few days, my site has been getting more and more popular because of the XdN Tweaker program I made. During August alone, server logs show over 530,000 page hits, with over 52,000...
View ArticleMySpace… back in 2001?
Since Gmail started offering IMAP access, that has allowed me to link it to my other email accounts and dump all my messages going back to 1999 on their service (I’ve lost just about all my email from...
View Articlei got Gmail!
i just got an invite from someone already using the Gmail service, and got myself a Gmail account now! the address is: xenomorph AT (i'm typing it like that in the hope that spam spiders...
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